
Articles about animation.

  • Total Drama Review Week 1: Not So Happy Campers

    Total Drama Review Week 1: Not So Happy Campers

    Welcome to the first weekly review of Total Drama! This is going to be a weekly series going through all of Total Drama, beginning with the season that started it all, Total Drama Island. To begin let’s do a quick […]

  • #1:The Maker

    My Top Five Animated Short Films

    So indulge me for a moment if you would: for all that we cover animation we’ve never looked at short films, and that’s understandable. They aren’t as well publicized, and it can be hard to not only find short films, […]

  • Hidden Gems: Code Lyoko

    Hidden Gems: Code Lyoko

    When we think about great cartoons from the mid-2000’s many people turn straight to Avatar: The Last Airbender. While that is a truly incredible show there was another show over on Cartoon Network that was doing something amazing. I’ve praised […]

  • Your Favorite Media Is Not Yours

    Welcome to 2016, where it only takes one click to find legions of other people more “passionate” about your favorite television shows, movies, and any other forms of media than you are. We live in a new internet age, one where […]

  • Avatar: The Last Airbender

    What Makes a Good Series Finale?

    Like it or not, at some point every series must end. It can happen one of two ways, with a sudden cancellation, or a proper series finale. In regards to the first, one could argue that each season finale should […]

  • Why You Should Believe In Steven

    Why You Should Believe In Steven

    When Steven Universe first started airing on Cartoon Network back in the fall of 2013, there was a lot of uncertainty and speculation surrounding how progressive the show was going to be. Viewers questioned whether having another default male protagonist […]

  • This Year’s Best Animated Feature Oscar Race is the Most Fascinating of the Year

    This Year’s Best Animated Feature Oscar Race is the Most Fascinating of the Year

    This year’s Best Animated Feature Oscar race is between two films with starkly differing approaches to mental illness. It’s remarkable that the category with films typically aimed at children features the only nominated films this year about this topic. In […]

  • #5:Gravity Falls:

    Tomorrow, a Titan of Modern Animation Ends

    Gravity Falls presents its final episode tomorrow at 7pm in what is sure to be one of the biggest TV events of the year. It may not be obvious to those who have not watched the show, but Gravity Falls  has been […]

  • How Death Note is a Modern Greek Tragedy

    How Death Note is a Modern Greek Tragedy

    Death Note is one of the most recognized anime in the world and for good reason.  Death Note has wide appeal and I’m here to argue that’s because it follows one of the oldest forms of entertainment, the Greek tragedy. […]

  • Pocket Mortys: “Rick and Morty” Hiatus Killer

    Pocket Mortys: “Rick and Morty” Hiatus Killer

    Adult Swim just released “Pocket Mortys,” a completely Rick and Morty based Pokémon clone. As expected, it’s awesome. Rick and Morty plus Pokémon? What’s better than that? Basically nothing. The app, available on the Google Play Store and the Apple […]