Send us your animation hot takes!

By: Dylan Hysen


Sometime in the next few weeks we’re going to hold an animation hot take-off podcast! How it will work is you guys send in your best “hot takes” about anything animation. I’ll compile some and then on the podcast me and co-hosts will judge them to see who has the best animation hot take!

Think of a “hot take” as an interesting, potentially valid opinion that goes against the grain. Controversial opinions that aren’t just blatantly wrong. A good hot take is both 1) provocative, and 2) has validity. I’m opening this up to anything in the world of animation, from pixar and miyazaki movies, to anime, to specific claims about shows likeĀ Steven Universe. “Against the grain” could be relative to conventional opinion in general, or relative to the opinions frequently featured at Overly Animated.

Send us your hot takes to be judged on the podcast! Send as many as you want to with the title “Hot Take-Off”. Each take should be a sentence-length claim, with a short reasoning of why you believe it (a paragraph or less). If this post is still up there’s still time to send in your takes!

Dylan is a software developer from the DC area who hosts the Overly Animated podcast discussing everything animation.


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