XCIV (Samurai Jack) – Overly Animated Podcast #342

By: Justin Cummings


Justin Cummings and Michelle Anderer discuss the March 25th episode of the new season of Samurai Jack, “XCIV”.

I'm currently studying Communication at Lynchburg College with an emphasis in Electronic Media and a double minor in business and gender studies. I've been a huge fan of animation since I was little and thus have very eclectic tastes. Outside of animation I love Survivor, comic books, and a whole treasure trove of other things.



  1. John aka Resender aka Johnny Bravo says:

    ok so semi-ignore the links, there screenshots from Samurai Jack S03E06

  2. John aka Resender aka Johnny Bravo says:


  3. Steve Zec says:

    Okay having a day to think about it, I am pretty sure maybe I am just being optimistic that the last girl she is still alive, if Jack can survive the fall, why can’t she?

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