Total Drama Review Week 38: Ocean’s Eight or Nine

By: Justin Cummings


She’s back everybody! She’s finally back. It was kind of spoiled by the opening credits, but this was still a huge moment in the show’s history. For the first time, someone joined the show that wasn’t already in the season. It changed everything about the game, and set up an entire new arc. From here on, as evident by her behavior in this episode, the new main antagonist of the season is Courtney. It’s the only time the show ever switches it’s main antagonist halfway through a season, and I love it. It shows that the crew is willing to play around with the format, and have something unpredictable happen. Justin was great, but it makes sense that he’s been switched with Courtney. She’s simply more devious than he is, and outsmarts him.

So what about the challenge itself? I love the bank heist idea, and the challenges were fun. The fact that no one actually did the safe challenge the correct way shows a lot about this cast and that they are willing to go around the rules and figure their own way  to do it. Leshawna staying in the safe the entire episode was a good way to move the plot arc forward, and it gave us some great moments between the rest of the Gaffers. The Gaffers have been falling apart lately, and here we see the trio rally together and win.  Duncan’s makeshift props were great, and the moment where he finally gets to Courtney is priceless.

Finally though, the getaway. Courtney trying to rally her troops was hilarious, and poor Owen just can’t catch a break. Owen finally gets his jaw unwired and he finally goes home. Everyone, including Owen, voted Courtney who they knew couldn’t be eliminated. If even one of them voted someone else, Owen might not have gone home. It’s nice though knowing that we won’t have a repeat winner.

We’re in a new arc now, and this episode sets up the back half of the season beautifully. I give this episode a 9.5/10 and see it as one of the best in the entire series. I’ll see you all next week for “Million Bucks B.C” and soon we’ll have a podcast for the first half of this season.

I'm currently studying Communication at Lynchburg College with an emphasis in Electronic Media and a double minor in business and gender studies. I've been a huge fan of animation since I was little and thus have very eclectic tastes. Outside of animation I love Survivor, comic books, and a whole treasure trove of other things.


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