Total Drama Review Week 30: Beach Blanket Bogus

By: Justin Cummings


Now we settle into the pace of the season: odd numbered episodes are elimination, even numbered are rewards. Once you get used to the pace, it feels fine, and personally I prefer it over last season’s rapid eliminations. Although the pace of the episode is fine, there is something very jarring about the whole thing. Of course, I’m talking about Trent.

Contrary to popular opinion, I’m with crazy Trent. My issue is with how random it was. Wouldn’t the whole nine thing have popped up sooner? The theory I’ve heard is that he only slipped into this because he felt like his whole world was falling apart. The nine angle does have a good payoff, but here it just feels awkward and clunky. It does give some good Gwen and Duncan interactions though, which always feel natural.

Finally though, the Grips are starting to get some traction plotwise. Justin’s rise to antagonist supreme is evident at this point, with that last scene with Chris showcasing it. Beth is picking up some steam along with Lindsey, while Owen just is kind of there. Trent seems is going off the rails though, and the entire team seems to be self destructing.

As far as good moments in the episode, the whole beach set was hilarious, especially the sharks saving Justin, and Duncan punching the seagull. This season has a habit of making fun of movie production, and this episode showcases that. Beth’s sandcastle goes hand in hand with that, and it helped set up her and Justin’s arc. This isn’t a great episode, but all in all it’s fun, just like the 1950’s surfer movie that they wanted to parody.

I give this episode a 6/10, and highly encourage a rewatch for the sake of seeing the little moments again. See you all next week for “3:10 to Crazy Town.”

I'm currently studying Communication at Lynchburg College with an emphasis in Electronic Media and a double minor in business and gender studies. I've been a huge fan of animation since I was little and thus have very eclectic tastes. Outside of animation I love Survivor, comic books, and a whole treasure trove of other things.


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